+44 (0) 121 524 1400
Monday - Friday 9am to 4pm GMT
Peers Hardy Group
Precision House
Starley Way
B37 7GN
Let's get you the information you need! Type in the product code or product description to help find your reflex active product support
You'll find the code of your watch on the back of the case, it will be at least 8 digits long and start with RA. We'll need at least the first 4 digits of the code to locate the information you need. You can also search by Series number, for example 'Series 25'. Alternatively, you can look for an image or name of your product in the list below.
If your code has faded, then you can find the series number by accessing the watch settings>system>name
For any audio or tech products, if you are unsure which model you have you can check on your invoice, packaging or instructions. If you don't have any of these to hand, just pop in the type of product you have, for example speaker', and we'll show you the options to help you select the correct product.
+44 (0) 121 524 1400
Monday - Friday 9am to 4pm GMT
Peers Hardy Group
Precision House
Starley Way
B37 7GN